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My Green House

    09 Mar10 Mar
    Habitación Huéspedes
    Dom 09 Mar 2025Lun 10 Mar 2025
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    1 opinión sobre My Green House

    In my Green House we believe

    Bolivia – Santa Cruz Hostel Accommodation Backpacker Bed and Breakfast B&B Guest House
    Wow Bovian Quinua and cousin in Santa Cruz!!

    We love all and serve all
    Well, well... what shall we say about our

    Hostel “My Green House” in Santa Cruz?
    Travelers from all over the world have been coming to our Hostel and 1on1spanishaimara school! Here they stay, they love it and enjoy it, and most often, they stay longer than they plan, in our Hostel, Mi Casita Verde in Santa Cruz / Bolivia. We can help...we´ll even pick you up from… !
    Mi Casita Verde is not a hostel, it is a home where you can definitely relax, ... Feel the magic shade under our fruit and specially mangoes trees, our big garden,... the hammocks, various types of flowers, tamarind, avocados tress., ... lots of green leaves, ... lots of peace like a green temple ! We are totally Bolivian and ready to serve you!!

    We are different from others, but just like you. Here, as you know quinoa is one of the Most nutritious foodstuffs. Once a sacred crop for the Aymaras & incas cultures, it has become a five-star health food in the world. Our cook Doña Esperanza contributes to our menú her favorite ingredients, and tips! Makes our visitor happy eaters. If you don´t know what quinoa is, you´ve come to the right place.
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    Avenida Juan Jose N 80
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