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Tour Uptown con bus turístico Citysights


3 opiniones sobre Tour Uptown con bus turístico Citysights

Paradas: 23.Times Square South - 8th...


23.Times Square South - 8th Ave bet. 42nd & 43rd St.
24.Theater District North - 8th Ave & 52nd St.
25. Columbus Circle/Time Warner Center
26. Lincoln Center - Broadway & W. 63rd St.
27. Central Park/ Strawberry Fields - Central Park West & W. 72nd St.
28. American Museum of Natural History/New-York Historical Society- Central Park West & 79th St.
29. Cathedral of St. John the Devine - Amsterdam Ave & 112th St.
30. Grants Tomb/ Riverside Church- Riverside Drive & 122nd St.
31. Apollo Theater/ Harlem - 125th St. Between Fredrick Douglass & Adam Clayton Powell Blvds.

32. Harlem Market/ Shopping - 116th St. Bet. Malcom X Blvd. & 5th Ave.
33. Museum of the City of NY/ Conservatory Gardens/ El Museo del Barrio - 5th Ave. & 103rd St.
34. Guggenheim & Jewish Museums- 5th Ave. & 90th St.
35. Metropolitan Museum of Art - 5th Ave. & 8rd Street.
36. Frick Collection/ Whitney Musuem/ Central Park- 5th Ave. / 72nd St.
37. Central Park Zoo - 5th Ave. & 66th St.
38. Plaza Hotel/ Central Park South bet. 5th & 6th Aves.
39. Winter Gardens- 7th Ave & 57th Sts.
40. 50th and 7th ave

Duración del Tour
2,5 horas.
Lugar de salida
Salidas desde el 8ª Avenida con las calles 42 ª y 43
Tiempo de salida
Salida: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (salidas frecuentes)

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